When the greed-driven nations tried to quench their insatiable hunger and avarice by seizing the wealth and resources of weaker nations, it ignited the flames of World War II. As these oppressive nations pushed the weaker ones into this inferno, the cruel blaze not only consumed the weaker nations but also devoured the oppressors themselves. By the time the flames died down, millions were left maimed, and countless lives were lost to the ruthless hands of death. According to The National WWII Museum, 5.5 million German soldiers and about 8 million civilians were killed, nearly 4 million British soldiers and 4.5 million civilians, about 10 million Soviet Union soldiers and 24 million civilians, approximately 4 million Chinese soldiers and 20 million civilians, 11 million Russian soldiers and 7 million civilians, 1.3 million Japanese soldiers and 6.7 million civilians, 4 million American soldiers and nearly 4 million civilians, summing up to around 85 million people worldwide killed. This immense destruction led these outwardly fierce but inwardly cunning, greedy, and deceitful nations to sit together and find a way to prevent such devastation in the future. On October 24, 1945, fifty-one countries gathered in San Francisco and formed an institution named the United Nations with the primary purpose of maintaining peace and preventing wars. The problem was that those very nations directly involved in World War II not only became part of this institution but also its key players. The United Nations’ subsidiary body, the “Security Council,” was formed with 15 members whose job was to maintain peace and prevent wars. The same four countries—USA, UK, France, and Russia—became its permanent members, which were responsible for World War II, and later China was given the status of the fifth permanent member, making a total of 5 permanent and 10 non-permanent members elected for two-year terms at different times. For any decision, the support of 9 members is necessary, but if even one of the 5 permanent members votes against it (using their veto power), the matter is halted. By holding onto the veto power, these oppressive nations retained the ability to impose their will again.
Thus, the United Nations became a puppet that dances at the whims of its five permanent members, perpetuating the injustices they wish to inflict
A cursory glance at the articles of the UN Charter reveals that it ostensibly aims to promote peace, reconciliation, economic and social stability, and enlightenment among the nations of the world. However, in reality, the United Nations stands as an adversary to these very principles. The agents of the UN, where their dominance extends, weaken humanity, assert superiority over weaker nations, destabilize peace, spread ignorance, mortgage the global economy, burden weaker nations with heavy debts, destroy their cultures, indoctrinate their minds, and act as snakes in the sleeves of innocent nations. The UN’s extortionists exploit the resources of poor nations, extract billions, and control the majority of UN funds. They then lend 5-10% of these funds back to the impoverished nations as loans for educational, economic, or other shortcomings. To reclaim these loans, they send their so-called experts to the weak nations, who take the majority of aid as fees for their services, leaving the projects in those nations unfinished. These loans bring further misery, forcing these nations to beg for more loans to quench their hunger. The UN thus enables these rogue countries to dominate the third world.
In April 2001, during the third week, a joint meeting of the World Bank and IMF was held in Washington, D.C. The American public began protesting against the unfair and oppressive policies of these institutions. The intensity of the protests was such that the police of the American capital were deemed insufficient, and the military had to be called in. Again in 2023, protests erupted in Morocco against the same institutions’ oppressive loan policies. Again in 2023, protests erupted in Morocco against the same institutions’ oppressive loan policies. The famous American weekly magazine ‘Time’ in its report states that the policies of the World Bank have caused more harm than good to the world’s countries, increasing their suffering. The report called the IMF, a UN institution, “Doctor Death” for its policies. The report further states that these two financial institutions imposed their free-market policies on 90 countries under the guise of loans and bankruptcy, destroying their small industries and agriculture. These global usurers forced the sale of national industries under the guise of free trade, creating favorable conditions for multinational corporations. Through their policies, these oppressors have shackled the entire economic life of third world countries. The question arises: if the IMF cannot create a policy without UN consent, why doesn’t the UN stop these oppressive policies?
Now let’s talk about the Security Council, considered the strongest institution of the United Nations, tasked with maintaining global peace and preventing wars. However, in the last 79 years, what has happened under the Security Council’s presence suggests that the United Nations is a puppet of these oppressive nations. According to Al Jazeera News, since October 2023, Israel has bombed and killed approximately 46,726 innocent Palestinians and injured 109,196 innocent people, with the full support of the USA. All this is happening under the nose of the United Nations. Furthermore, here are some brief but bitter facts: Talking only about the USA,
A famous website, The Express Tribune, published a report in March 2015 (released by the Nobel Prize-winning organization International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War), stating that from 2004 to 2015, in the so-called war on terror, 80,000 people were killed in Pakistan, including 48,504 innocent people, 45 journalists, approximately 951 individuals in drone attacks, and 5,498 Pakistani security forces personnel. The casualties of 2016 are not included in this count. One can gauge the brutality of the United Nations from the fact that when Pakistan boycotted the Bonn Conference in 2011 and questioned UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon about the USA’s drone attacks on Pakistan, his response was No Comments. This was a brief overview of the Security Council’s actions.
Now let’s talk about the ICJ (International Court of Justice), a special part of the United Nations, which is said to provide justice to all countries, big or small. According to the procedure on the ICJ’s official website, if there is a dispute between two countries, the consent of the country being sued is necessary to file a case. The question is, which country would consent to being sued? Reviewing all the cases in the ICJ shows that not a single case was filed by a third-world country against a veto power. Most cases are those where a powerful country filed against a weaker one. If the weaker country does not consent, the outcome can be disastrous. This proves that this so-called court under the United Nations only provides justice to the extent that it remains under the control of the veto powers. These oppressive countries use the United Nations as a tool to dominate third-world countries.
Among these achievements, the United Nations, an enemy of humanity, has so weakened the moral, cultural, social, and economic state of third-world countries that these nations, stripped of their dignity and honor, have become beggars at the doors of the very countries that nurture the United Nations and have a history stained with the blood of innocent people. The fact is that from the Persian Empire to the Roman Empire, all have ended. The Pharaohs came and went. The Ottoman Empire also ended. This is the age of Science, Technology, and Artificial Intelligence. In this era, the powerful will be those who excel in these fields. The United Nations will become a puppet at their door. Developing countries have only one way:
The present generation must sacrifice for the education of future generations. Otherwise, the future is going to be worse than the present.